Ian and Jolie, two souls destined for each other finally intersect. Ian is a young hardworking charismatic boy whose curiosity for the future drives his imagination to the next level. Jolie is a mysterious, young, ballet dancer who is pressured by the high standard of living her parents demand. Upon meeting Jolie, Ian sees his life in three alternatives – a life ruled by wealth, love, or cowardice.
Riches, Love & Fear follows a young boy whose world is filled with impossible choices. There are multiple themes within the layers of this story. One that focuses on Ian’s desire for prosperity in his father’s struggling antique store. Another one that follows his own unfolding dreams. Being raised in a Hispanic household, there is a cultural clash between two worlds: the outside world and his nurturing home. Ian’s perspective of the world around him triggers his curiosity for the future where, through Jolie, his ideas of love, tradition, and prosperity will be altered.